June 21, 2017- Summer Solstice
“The call to a creative life is a call to dignity, to a life of vulnerability and adventure and the call to a life that exquisite excitement and indeed ecstasy will often visit.”
As I begin this blog post, a light layer of fog is filtering the coastal sunshine. Summer has arrived in a muted form, suggesting and not defining its presence. My intention with this blog is to share ruminations and inspirations with the hope that you will find something to harvest for your own path. As I navigate my own inner terrain, occasional moments of clarity arise. These are rare and welcome events. The rest of the time I swim in a muddled soup bobbing between proclamations of certitude and blissful episodes of wonder- with an occasional tantrum of WTF? and Why Me? thrown in to keep the soup spicy.
I have chosen in the past year to move from a ‘life of achievement’ to a ‘life of expression’. Not that I haven’t expressed myself ad nauseum in years past (apologies all around). My current desire is a different version of expression- a creative and generative form that invasively weaves through my work and my way of being in the world. It is a version of life that amplifies my imaginative world and reveals both process and product as a single entity. In the revealing, there is vulnerability. I am not a fan of this terrain and yet there is an intrigue of adventure that seduces even the faint of heart to venture into the squishy space of saying…help.
And so, with the promise proclaimed by John O’Donahue, that “exquisite excitement and indeed ecstasy” will come knocking at my door, I set off on this adventure and I answer the call. I will report back from the journey and fill you in on what emerges. Particularly when I get that visit from ecstasy!